Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Just 15 mintues ago

I was in Borders Bookstore and I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to the Bathroom. So i went and there was a Man in his 50's asking all kinds of questions about Jesus Christ in which so cool, cause his Wife was a beliver and he could not understand why His belive in certain things.

Taken from the conversion, Jack and his wife did not get along but they live together. I spoke with the man for about 30 minutes. He says he goes to Borders on a regluar basis, so next time arm with the Holy Spirit, Word of God and a Gentle Spirit of myself, I believe i can point him to the salvation.

We'll See and I just pray for the Jack and his Wife can forgive each other and Jesus Capture his Heart.............

I love Jesus

I love this Kid, he is my nephew, he is so full of life and aggression. I hope i can convice my sister to enroll him in Wrestling Club
For God, who said, "Light shall shine out of darkness," is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ

I'm starting to Grab what it means to Have the Living God live inside me. To have this God who can move mountains, heal the sick and basically created the World and Me. I will spend sometime later on this new adventure I'm experience latter this day or week........

